When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Unfortunately, there are many oral health concerns your baby could experience and suffer from. This is why our dentist, Dr. Kathryn Lewis, strongly encourages smile care and keeping an eye out for those dangerous dental issues. Those dental issues are: -Baby bottle tooth decay: This dental problem is very serious because it can cause multiple cavities on multiple teeth. Cavities... read more »
If you are looking to improve your oral health, consider adding mouthwash as part of your oral health routine. Mouthwash is convenient and helpful in fighting cavities and gum disease that could be in your smile. Our dentist, Dr. Kathryn Lewis with Findlay Dental Group in Findlay, Ohio, specializes in oral health care, which is why our office is happy... read more »
Having a white and attractive smile can be very beneficial. It can help you love your appearance and it can boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you would like to achieve a whiter smile, then our dentist, Dr. Kathryn Lewis, would like to help you. You deserve the white smile you want! To help you, they encourages you to do... read more »
If you are concerned about cavity prevention, we want you to know that it is achievable, but only if you take the proper dental health steps. These include the following four methods: - Maintaining your oral hygiene: For the healthiest smile possible, we encourage you to brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth daily, and use a mouthwash... read more »
If you have dental anxiety, then you most likely feel nervous, afraid, or uptight in our dental chair. Our dentist, Dr. Kathryn Lewis, wants to change that so you can have a positive and comfortable appointment at our office. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to deal with dental anxiety, and those things are: -Speak up: Tell our... read more »
Are you in the 20 percent or more of Americans suffering daily from tooth sensitivity? There are a couple things you can look at to find out; if you are suspicious that your chompers are sensitive, please contact us as soon as possible. You can detect whether you are suffering from tooth sensitivity by monitoring its major symptoms. If you... read more »
Oral hygiene is vital for a strong, healthy mouth and a great-looking smile, especially around the holidays. There is a catch when keeping up a great dental regimen: you need to have the best oral hygiene tools to have the best oral hygiene routine. Dr. Kathryn Lewis and our dental professionals would like to make sure you are using the... read more »
When a cavity goes unnoticed or untreated the tooth decay will gradually continue to spread. This process can be accelerated by an inconsistent daily oral hygiene routine or avoiding your routine dental checkup at Findlay Dental Group. If a cavity grows too large for Dr. Kathryn Lewis to repair the tooth with a dental filling, they might recommend restoring the... read more »
If you look on the your toothpaste tube, and on your bottle of mouthwash, you should see a label telling you that your product contains fluoride. What is fluoride and why is it used in so many dental products? Fluoride is a naturally occurring material that is found in the earth’s crust. In the 1930’s it was discovered that people... read more »